The Reality Of BDSM Slavery

Okay, if I hear one more self-proclaimed expert spout the internet drivel that a slave has no rights, I'm going to scream.

When people stay in unhealthy, unhappy relationships simply because they believe the title of slave permanently prohibits their rights to make choices for themselves, then they are just as delusional as the bozos who claim a master has the right to kidnap or murder his slave.

Pure unadulterated, dangerous BS...that's what it is...

The reality...

Contracts between slaves/subs and masters/dom/mes have absolutely no legal value at all, whether implied, verbal or written. As adults the law holds us responsible for own actions. We are not above the law, nor can we actually legally give up our rights. It's important that we understand this point.

Anyone who thinks being a master means they are above the law, and can kidnap, mentally or physically abuse, keep captive, or kill a slave is delusional.

In Canada, and in the USA, slavery is illegal. One can not legally keep a slave, nor can one legally BE a slave.

The relationship state we refer to as slavery in BDSM is a consensual agreement between two people, and varies according to the people involved, but it is not recognized by the law in Canada or the United States. It can certainly be a healthy, viable relationship as long as all parties are getting their needs met.

Any adult involved in a BDSM relationship must always remember that we must still function in society as legally responsible citizens.

The labels sub, slave, mistress, master, dominant are NOT recognized by the law in Canada, or in the United States.

We may chose to obey our partner, but in a court of law that will not hold up as a legal defense. Even a wife or husband who has made a vow to love honour and obey is not legally free from justice if that obedience leads to an illegal act.

This may not be the way some of us wish things to be but this is how it is. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

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